
Ready for Reading Success 4: Develop Your Reading Comprehension Skills (16K+ iCosmos APP)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Owain Mckimm
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2022-11-15
ISBN : 9786263001626
書 號: C6114-1614
書 系: Ready for Reading
試讀     試聽    
  • 定價: NT$ 300
    優惠價: NT$ 270


跨領域主題 ╳ 生活化體裁 ╳ 250道閱讀技巧訓練題





Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4



















1. 閱讀技巧(Reading Skills)
包含歸納要旨(Main Ideas)、找出支持性細節(Supporting Details)、Cause and Effect(理解因果關係)、Clarifying Devices(釐清寫作技巧)、Author’s Purpose and Tone(作者的目的及語氣)、Making Inferences(做出推測)等實用重要閱讀技巧,引導讀者聚焦關鍵文意,學會根據細節找出文章主旨,以及分辨作者的寫作技巧等。

2. 字彙學習(Word Study)
含括認識同、反義字(Synonyms & Antonyms)、從上下文推測字義(Words in Context),幫助讀者舉一反三,高效率增進字彙力,奠定聽力與寫作基礎,同時學會在遇到不確定單字字義的狀況下,仍從單字的上下文推敲文意,並正確作答。

3. 學習策略(Study Strategies)
教導讀者看懂影像圖表(Visual Material)和參考資料(Reference Sources),學會從表格、折線圖、長條圖、圓餅圖、字典及書中索引等視覺資料中,快速掌握正文以外的重要資訊,提升答題速度與準確度。

4. 綜合練習(Final Review)



每篇文章搭配鮮豔彩圖圖解,幫助讀者融入主題情境,輔助單字圖像記憶與吸收,同時附母語人士朗誦的專業發音MP3,搭配讀者可反覆聆聽,同時加強聽力能力。掃描本書QR Code下載「寂天雲」App,或至寂天官網搜尋本書下載MP3,就能取得全書錄音檔。「寂天雲」App亦提供背景播放功能,通勤、跑步、行走間,都能享受沉浸式學習,配合自我進度即點即播,學習時空不受限。

Ready for Reading Success is a four-volume series of exercise books designed for beginners which aims to develop reading competence and improve reading skills. As 12-year basic education emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary and real-life-based learning, this series is designed to meet those objectives. The book contains 50 articles that come in many different forms, including passages, poems, dialogues, advertisements, etc. Each text is composed of no more than 250 words and is followed by five multiple-choice comprehension questions that help train readers’ acquisition ability and allow self-examination.

The book is divided into four primary units, within which are subunits that focus on different skills. Topics in this book include literature, food, animals, culture, and travel, to name but a few. With all its merits, the book serves as an incomparable tool that empowers readers to soar to success.

Unit 1: Reading Skills
1-1 Main Ideas / Supporting Details
1-2 Cause and Effect / Clarifying Devices
1-3 Author’s Purpose and Tone / Making Inferences
1-4 Six Comprehension Skills

This unit covers six key ideas to look for when reading an article. In this unit, readers will learn to understand what a text is mainly about, observe how details support main ideas, recognize connections between events, identify the way a writer makes their work interesting, pinpoint the reason behind an author’s writing, and make assumptions based on information in the text.

Unit 2: Word Study
Synonyms / Antonyms / Words In Context

In this unit, you will practice identifying words with the same or opposite meanings and guessing the meanings of words from their context. These skills will help you understand new vocabulary and build vocabulary on your own in the future.

Unit 3: Study Strategies
3-1 Visual Material
3-2 Reference Sources

Visual material like charts and graphs, and reference sources like indexes and dictionaries, all provide important information. What’s more, they help you understand complicated information more quickly than you can by reading. In this unit, you will learn to use them to gather information.

Unit 4: Final Review
4-1 Review: Reading Skills
4-2 Review: Word Study
4-3 Review: Visual Material
4-4 Review: Reference Sources

In this unit, you will review what you have learned. From these comprehensive questions, you can examine how well you have absorbed the ideas and material in this book.





P. 106 第2段第3

. . . power and heat 10,000 local homes . . .

P. 106 第2段第3

. . . power and heat 100,000 local homes . . .



CEFR A2–B1TOEIC 225–550GEPT 初中級 low Intermediate

Unit 1 Reading Skills
1 See it, Reach it! 看見它、達成它!
2 Strawberry Snack Bars for Sale 出售草莓點心棒
3 A Better Second Half? 下半場更精彩?
4 Taking Care of You 照顧自己
5 Father and Son 父與子
6 Calling All Students! 全體同學請注意!
7 When Friendship Goes Bad 友情變質時
8 A Very Hot Topic 非常炎熱的話題
9 The Woman Behind Your Wi-Fi 無線網路背後的女性推手
10 Close Before Flushing! 沖馬桶前先蓋馬桶蓋!
11 A Whole New World of Books 嶄新的書香世界
12 Summertime Swimming 夏季游泳須知
13 A Gift for Mr. Huang 送給黃老師的禮物
14 One Night at Oak Tree Hotel 在橡樹飯店住宿一晚
15 Changing Words, Changing Colors 換了文字,就換了顏色
16 Unlikely Partners 意想不到的夥伴
17 Dear Dad 親愛的爸爸
18 Powerful Colors 色彩的影響力
19 With This, Almost Anything Is Possible 有了這項能力,凡事近乎可能
20 Bring a Cup, Save the Planet 自帶杯子,拯救地球

Unit 2 Word Study
21 Give Blood, Save Lives 捐血救人
22 A Simple but Important Touch 簡單卻重要的觸碰
23 Counting the Roman Way 羅馬數字計數法
24 A Wave Made of Rock 岩石形成的波浪
25 King of the Sharks 鯊魚之王
26 Putting Feelings Into Words 將情感化為語言
27 Get Ready for the Three Trees Book Fair 準備迎接三木書展
28 Sleeping Well to Stay Alert 睡得好,才能保持警覺
29 Now or After Lunch? 現在或飯後?
30 A Master of Smells 氣味大師

Unit 3 Study Strategies
31 Water Power! 水力發電!
32 A New Home During COVID-19 新冠疫情期間的新家園
33 The World’s Oldest Countries 全球高齡化最嚴重的國家
34 The Worst Places to Breathe 空氣最糟的國家
35 Taiwan’s Biggest Killer 台灣最厲害的殺手
36 A Life on the Throne 女王的一生
37 Studying the Mind 研究心智
38 Time Control! 時間控管!
39 Get Your Fingers Green! 一起來玩園藝!
40 Hey, Me. Say Cheese! 哈囉,對自己笑一個吧!

Unit 4 Final Review
41 Form, Function, and Fun 有型、實用又有趣
42 The Doctor Who Became a God 成為神祇的醫師
43 Food That Makes You Feel Good 療癒身心的食物
44 Danger in the Garden 花園裡危機四伏
45 There to Listen and Help 陪伴傾聽與協助
46 A New Table, Step by Step 新桌子的組裝步驟
47 It’s Good to Be Wrong 犯錯是好事
48 “On Time” Around the World 全世界的「準時」定義
49 Fur or Feathers? 是毛還是羽毛?
50 Chocolate Heaven in 8 Simple Steps! 打造巧克力天堂的八個簡單步驟!


Owain Mckimm

Owain Mckimm is a University of Cambridge graduate who has been working in Taiwan since 2009. He has taught English to learners of all ages and levels, and is also a freelance writer. He has written for numerous publications in Taiwan, including travel and culture magazines, English teaching magazines, books, and webzines.

英國劍橋大學(University of Cambridge)英文學系學士,在臺灣工作超過10年。曾任英文老師,同時也是一位自由作家,撰寫過無數出版品,包括旅遊與文化雜誌、英語教學雜誌與書籍、網路雜誌等。目前為專職英語教材作者。

作 者: Owain Mckimm
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2022-11-15
ISBN : 9786263001626
書 號: C6114-1614
書 系: Ready for Reading
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 16K(19*26cm)
條 碼: 9786263001626
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 128
