
Target Reading 1-60 Selected Readings (3rd Ed.) (16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Zachary Fillingham / Richard Luhrs / Michelle Witte
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2022-02-11
ISBN : 9786263000049
書 號: C4924-1634-S
書 系: Conscious Reading
試讀     試聽    
  • 定價: NT$ 320
    優惠價: NT$ 272



Level 1全新修訂版,更新20篇文章!



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3










1.中心思想(Main Idea)
2.主題(Subject Matter)
3.支持性細節(Supporting Details)
5.上下文推論字義(Words in Context)
6.其他(Others):包含釐清技巧(Clarifying Devices)、寫作文體(Text Form)、作者語氣(Author’s Tone)、寫作目的(Author’s Purpose)、因果關係(Cause and Effect)、事實或意見(Fact or Opinion)。





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Why do you need this book?

Target Reading 1 is the first volume of the Target Reading series, which concentrates on developing reading skills. The book is comprised of 60 articles, which provide dynamic reading material on different themes and various topics, including Arts & Literature, Business, Culture, Entertainment, Geography, Health & Body, History, People, Sports, and Technology.
As well as the article texts and accompanying pictures, the book also includes developmental information, word definitions, and comprehension questions, all of which help students to expand their vocabulary and improve their comprehension. In addition, the updated edition contains 20 new articles, keeping the series up to date with current developments.
The questions accompanying each article cover the following six categories: main idea, subject matter, supporting details, inference, words in context, and others. Through repeated practice with these six categories of questions, readers will develop an inquiring attitude toward reading and will gradually gain the ability to glean important information from an article. Furthermore, this thinking-while-reading strategy will develop the reader's ability to engage with texts at a higher level of comprehension.

How should you to use this book?

No one can attain a high reading level overnight. To master reading skills, readers should follow the reading plan suggested in the book. Readers will enjoy the experience of making steady progress through the 100 articles over 16 weeks. After completing this book, readers will have expanded their vocabulary, gained greater knowledge about a wide range of topics, and built confidence in using English.


1. Have You Seen This? 你看過這部短片嗎?
2. EQ 情緒商數
3. The Civil Rights Movement in the United States 美國的民權運動
4. Who Stole My Money? 是誰坑走我的錢?
5. The Man Who Built a Brain 人工智慧之父
6. We’re Animals, After All! 我們畢竟同為動物!
7. A New Era for Social Media? 社群媒體新時代?
8. Hachiko 忠犬小八
9. The Challenger Tragedy 挑戰者號的悲劇
10. Postmodern Architecture 後現代建築
11. Self-Generated Energy 自體發電
12. You Are What You Eat 吃什麼像什麼
13. Fighting for Animals—a Brief History 為動物發聲的簡史
14. K2 K2峰
15. Class and Accent 階級和口音
16. He’s a Hit—Everywhere! 他──紅透半邊天!
17. The Eye in the Sky 天眼
18. Is It a Fair Trade? 這是「公平交易」的產品嗎?
19. Our Little Green Friends 小巧的綠化好友
20. Board but Never Boring 絕不乏味的桌遊
21. Paying on the Go 走到哪都能付款
22. Plastic Surgery 整形手術
23. The Ancient Art of the Brush 古代書法藝術
24. Free Running 自由跑者
25. False Friends 假朋友
26. Stephen Hawking, Man of the Universe 宇宙理論巨擘──史蒂芬‧霍金
27. History's Largest Empires 歷史上最大的帝國
28. The Pygmalion Effect 畢馬龍效應
29. Say Hello to Our New Mechanical Friends 歡迎新來的機器朋友
30. Reusing Versus Recycling 重複利用和資源回收
31. Fair Fashion 公平貿易下的時尚
32. Frida Kahlo's Paintings and Psychology 芙烈達‧卡羅的畫作與心理學
33. The Nazca Lines of Peru 秘魯的納斯卡線
34. Now Everyone Can Make News 自媒體的時代
35. Hold on to Your Pocket Money 抓緊你的零用錢
36. Asperger's Syndrome 亞斯伯格症
37. Cyberbullying 網路霸凌
38. Sunscreen 化學性防曬品
39. The Dancing Plants of Udon Thani 烏通塔尼的跳舞草
40. The Long Road to the White House 通往白宮的漫漫長路
41. American Folk Art Traditions 美國民俗藝術的傳統
42. Coptic Churches in Egypt 埃及的科普特教會
43. NEET 尼特族
44. What Are Carbon Offsets? 何謂碳補償?
45. Parasites 寄生蟲
46. A Mixed New World 混合而成的新世界
47. The World's Oldest Sports 世上最古老的運動
48. Victorian Art 維多利亞時期的藝術
49. The Shakespeare of Rock & Roll 搖滾界的莎士比亞
50. Save Our Seas 拯救海洋
51. Wired for Love? 想與機器人談場戀愛嗎?
52. The Northern Lights 極光
53. Unusual Taboos 奇怪的忌諱
54. Science Fiction 科幻小說
55. Man or Machine? The Strange New World of E-Skin 是人還是機器?歡迎來到奇特的電子皮膚新世界
56. Bats and Bees Are Dying 蝙蝠和蜜蜂絕跡
57. Music and Mood 音樂和心情
58. Charlie Chaplin, a Serious Man 查理‧卓別林:嚴肅的喜劇演員
59. Body Language Across Cultures 不同文化上的肢體語言
60. Greek Theater and Dionysus 希臘戲劇及戴奧尼索斯


Zachary Fillingham

加拿大多倫多約克大學(York University in Toronto)國際關係學士(BA in International Relations),英國倫敦東方及非洲研究學院(School of Oriental & African Studies)中國文學碩士(MA in Chinese Studies)。人生哲學是「以熱忱之心學習」(a passion for learning)。曾於台灣任職英文老師,也撰寫英語教科書,經歷包括自由作家、翻譯、政治網站總編輯,及全球知名大型商業公司顧問。

Richard Luhrs

美國紐約出生,紐約州立大學(State University of New York)英語寫作系與哲學系(BA in English Composition and Philosophy)雙學士。曾於紐約蘭登書屋等知名出版社擔任編輯工作。1992年加入和平隊(Peace Corps),外派至泰國從事英語教學志願服務。之後二十餘年間曾於日本、南韓、中國、台灣、印尼、沙烏地阿拉伯、緬甸、寮國等地從事英語教學。曾替LTTC 財團法人語言訓練測驗中心及各出版社編寫英語教材。

Michelle Witte


作 者: Zachary Fillingham / Richard Luhrs / Michelle Witte
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2022-02-11
ISBN : 9786263000049
書 號: C4924-1634-S
書 系: Conscious Reading
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 16K(19*26cm)
條 碼: 9786263000049
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 152
