Target Reading 3: 6 Keys to Comprehension (2nd Ed.) (16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Zachary Fillingham / Richard Luhrs / Owain Mckimm / Laura Phelps
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2021-09-17
ISBN : 9786263000667
書 號: C4926-1624
書 系: Conscious Reading
試讀     試聽    
  • 定價: NT$ 420
    優惠價: NT$ 378





Level 1

Level 2

Level 3














1. 中心思想(Main Idea)
2. 主題(Subject Matter)
3. 支持性細節(Supporting Details)
4. 文意推論(Inference)
5. 上下文推論字義(Words in Context)
6. 其他(Others):包含釐清技巧(Clarifying Devices)、寫作文體(Text Form)、作者語氣(Author’s Tone)、寫作目的(Author’s Purpose)、因果關係(Cause and Effect)、事實或意見(Fact or Opinion)。





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Why do you need this book?

Target Reading 3 is the second volume of the Target Reading series, which concentrates on developing reading skills. The book is comprised of 100 articles, which provide dynamic reading material on different themes and various topics, including Arts & Literature, Business, Culture, Entertainment, Geography, Health & Body, Mystery, People, Sports, and Technology.

As well as the article texts and accompanying pictures, the book also includes developmental information, word definitions, and comprehension questions, all of which help students to expand their vocabulary and improve their comprehension. In addition, the updated edition contains 41 new articles, keeping the series up to date with current developments.

The questions accompanying each article cover the following six categories: main idea, subject matter, supporting details, inference, words in context, and others. Through repeated practice with these six categories of questions, readers will develop an inquiring attitude toward reading and will gradually gain the ability to glean important information from an article. Furthermore, this thinking-while-reading strategy will develop the reader's ability to engage with texts at a higher level of comprehension.

How should you use this book?

No one can attain a high reading level overnight. To master reading skills, readers should follow the reading plan suggested in the book. Readers will enjoy the experience of making steady progress through the 100 articles over 16 weeks. After completing this book, readers will have expanded their vocabulary, gained greater knowledge about a wide range of topics, and built confidence in using English.


1. The Sweetest Poison 最甜美的毒藥
2. The Barons Who Built America 建設美國的大亨
3. Growing Up Around the World 世界成年禮
4. Cradle to Cradle 搖籃到搖籃
5. Where Giants Walk the Earth 超級英雄拯救地球
6. The World of Criminal Graffiti 犯罪塗鴉的世界
7. Mini Mind Control 微心靈控制
8. Struggle and Genius 掙扎與天才
9. When the Streets Turn Red被番茄染紅的街道
10. Making His Mark 馬克出頭天

11. The Magic Mirror魔鏡啊魔鏡
12. The Animal That’s Also an Environment 是動物也是生態環境
13. And the Worst Actor Goes To . . . 最差男主角得獎的是⋯⋯
14. A River of Fire in the Sky 天上的火河
15. The Soft Glow of the Natural World 大自然柔和的光輝
16. The Realm of the Khans可汗王國
17. The City Lost Under the Sea 失落在海底的城市
18. Celebrating in Color 歡慶色彩
19. Windows Into the Underworld 陰間之窗
20. Small but Deadly小卻致命的生物

21. The Bigger They Are the Harder They Fall 爬得愈高,跌得愈重
22. Dancing in the Moonlight 月光下跳舞
23. A White Ocean 白色海洋
24. Hearty French Feasting 熱情法式饗宴
25. Not the Only You? 不只一個你?
26. Permanent Tongue Twisters 永久的大舌頭
27. The Electric Henry Ford 媲美汽車之父的伊隆‧馬斯克
28. Facing the Future 「面」對未來
29. The Dark Mystery of Deep Space 太空深處的暗黑謎團
30. Cows, Sharks, and Spots 死物藝術

31. Forever Young 青春永駐
32. The War That Never Ends 永不止息的戰爭
33. The Next Atlantis? 下一個「亞特蘭提斯」?
34. Japan’s Literary Superstar 日本文學的超級巨星
35. Rare Earth Elements 稀土金屬
36. The Artful Imparting of Enthusiasm 熱情的傳遞藝術
37. A New You? 全新的自己?
38. Becoming the Sculpture 成為雕塑
39. Money-Making Mimicry 抄襲致富
40. The Adventure of Books 書的探險

41. The End of Ink? 墨水的末日?
42. A Method in the Madness 瘋狂有道
43. Walking on the Moon 漫步在月球
44. Say It With Your Fingers—Carefully! 比手畫腳要小心!
45. Profit for a Cause 為了理想營利
46. A Beautiful Menace Under the Ice 冰下的美麗威脅
47. The Eyes Have It! 蛾眼的啟發!
48. Learn to Fight Like an Israeli 學以色列人戰鬥
49. An Oil to Go Nuts For 風靡世界的椰子油
50. Towering Beauties 高聳的壯麗

51. A Mystical, Magical Soup神秘的湯
52. Gold Fever 淘金熱
53. Building a Greener Future 打造更環保的未來
54. Hidden Dangers 隱藏的危機
55. Is It Getting Darker in Here? 地球是不是愈來愈暗了?
56. Building the Future 4D列印打造未來
57. The Great Absorber 廣納百家的語言
58. A Floating Landfill漂浮的垃圾場
59. Water for Everyone唯有源頭活水來
60. Old Ways, New World 老方法,新世界

61. Witness the Strange and Wonderful 目睹怪異與美麗
62. Paranormal Activity 超自然活動
63. Listen to your Heart傾聽你的心聲
64. The Siege of Beijing 北京之圍
65. The Food Poisoner 食物下毒
66. The Sport of CEOs 執行長的運動
67. In Danger of Falling Silent 沉默的語言危機
68. Doctor, Doctor! 醫生,醫生!
69. Gone and Back Again 死後重生
70. An African Hero非洲英雄

71. Come Watch Me Play 來看我玩吧
72. Dancing Queen 舞后
73. People Power 人體力量
74. Communication Breakdown 溝通不良
75. The Skull and Bones Society 骷髏會
76. The Cold-Blooded Collapse 冷血動物的滅絕
77. Writing the Unexpected 書寫意料之外
78. Something in the Wind風中的汙泥
79. Tears for Hire聘雇的眼淚
80. A Challenging Diagnosis 充滿挑戰的診斷

81. Synthetic Signal Blockers 合成的信號干擾器
82. Can the Future Really be Known? 真能預知未來嗎?
83. Breaking the Habit打破習慣
84. The Stolen Hour 被偷走的光陰
85. The Heroes Who Heal 無國界英雄
86. En Garde! 就位!
87. Speaking Spooks 與幽靈對話
88. The Magic Social Number 神奇的社交數字
89. Education Where it’s Needed Most 最需要教育的地方
90. Korean Combat! 韓國決鬥!

91. A Tale of Two Chimps 兩隻黑猩猩的故事
92. Trapped in a Small Space 無路可逃
93. Journey to the Center of the Earth 到地心旅行
94. Humanity's First Words 人類的第一個字
95. Troubled Waters 惡水
96. Part of the Herd 身為其中之一
97. The Hobbit 哈比人
98. On Human Kindness 人類的良善
99. Loose Your Arrows! 射出你的箭!
100. Cracking the Case 破案


Zachary Fillingham

加拿大多倫多約克大學(York University in Toronto)國際關係學士(BA in International Relations),英國倫敦東方及非洲研究學院(School of Oriental & African Studies)中國文學碩士(MA in Chinese Studies)。人生哲學是「以熱忱之心學習」(a passion for learning)。曾於台灣任職英文老師,也撰寫英語教科書,經歷包括自由作家、翻譯、政治網站總編輯,及全球知名大型商業公司顧問。

Richard Luhrs

美國紐約出生,紐約州立大學(State University of New York)英語寫作系與哲學系(BA in English Composition and Philosophy)雙學士。曾於紐約蘭登書屋等知名出版社擔任編輯工作。1992年加入和平隊(Peace Corps),外派至泰國從事英語教學志願服務。之後二十餘年間曾於日本、南韓、中國、台灣、印尼、沙烏地阿拉伯、緬甸、寮國等地從事英語教學。曾替LTTC 財團法人語言訓練測驗中心及各出版社編寫英語教材。

Owain Mckimm

Owain Mckimm is a University of Cambridge graduate who has been working in Taiwan since 2009. He has taught English to learners of all ages and levels, and is also a freelance writer. He has written for numerous publications in Taiwan, including travel and culture magazines, English teaching magazines, books, and webzines.

英國劍橋大學(University of Cambridge)英文學系學士,在臺灣工作超過10年。曾任英文老師,同時也是一位自由作家,撰寫過無數出版品,包括旅遊與文化雜誌、英語教學雜誌與書籍、網路雜誌等。目前為專職英語教材作者。

Laura Phelps

Laura Phelps is a teacher, trainer, and writer from the UK. After five years teaching English in London, she moved to Asia in 2009 and has lived there ever since. To date she has worked in four different countries (Sri Lanka, China, Malaysia, and Georgia), and hopes to add many more to the list. She has taught children, teenagers, and adults from beginner to advanced level, and has designed and delivered specialist courses including writing skills workshops for the BBC. Laura has also trained and mentored in-service teachers and worked as an academic manager.


作 者: Zachary Fillingham / Richard Luhrs / Owain Mckimm / Laura Phelps
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2021-09-17
ISBN : 9786263000667
書 號: C4926-1624
書 系: Conscious Reading
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 16K(19*26cm)
條 碼: 9786263000667
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 240
