Tourism Essentials (With Workbook, 菊8K + 寂天雲隨身聽APP)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Lucky Becker / Carol Frain
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2021-07-14
ISBN : 9786263000292
書 號: C4511-0814
書 系: English for Tourism
試讀     試聽    
  • 定價: NT$ 450
    優惠價: NT$ 405


Helbling Essentials 是套針對不同職業而設計的英語教材,透過基本的字彙、文法、溝通技巧和聽力練習,幫助讀者掌握該領域的英語精華。

Tourism Essentials的主題為觀光英文,利用各式習題引導讀者有效地掌握基礎觀光英文用語,增進英語觀光旅遊溝通與書寫技能,讓學生在業界及實地旅遊時無往不利。




+ 由專業母語人士錄音的MP3,反映真實觀光英語溝通情境

Helbling Essentials is a series of practice books providing a basic level of specific language and communication skills needed for a chosen career.

Tourism Essentials is a skills-based book offering effective language practice for students of tourism. It gives students the essential language and communication skills that they need at work in the tourism sector.

The 16 units cover a wide range of useful topics including, dining out, making hotel reservations, and applying for jobs.

●Interesting, up-to-date topics
●Emphasis on communication and real language
●Clear presentation of subject-specific vocabulary
●Simple, authentic text and diagrams
●Focus on useful language
●Integrated workbook

+ The Audio MP3 contains recordings of real-life touring situations.



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CEFR A2–B1/TOEIC 225–550/GEPT 初中級 low Intermediate

Unit 1 Introduction of Tourism
Unit 2 Accommodations
Unit 3 Hotel Rooms
Unit 4 Hotel Services, Amenities, and Facilities
Unit 5 Booking Hotels on the Phone
Unit 6 Booking Hotels Online
Unit 7 Check In and Check Out
Unit 8 Customer Satisfaction
Unit 9 Different Kinds of Vacations
Unit 10 Transportation
Unit 11 Booking Flights
Unit 12 Itineraries and Tours
Unit 13 At the Tourist Office
Unit 14 Eating Out
Unit 15 Jobs in Tourism
Unit 16 Writing Résumé

作 者: Lucky Becker / Carol Frain
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2021-07-14
ISBN : 9786263000292
書 號: C4511-0814
書 系: English for Tourism
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 菊8K (21*27.7cm)
條 碼: 9786263000292
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 96
