作 者: | Zachary Fillingham / Richard Luhrs / Owain Mckimm / Laura Phelps |
出版社: | 寂天文化 |
出版日: | 2021-01-20 |
ISBN : | 9789863189657 |
書 號: | C6104-1614 |
書 系: | Ready for Reading |
版 權: | Cosmos Culture Ltd. |
高中7000(3, 4, 5級)(每篇):3字
文法:(國一)first year
國中1200單字(每篇): 86%
高中7000(3, 4, 5級)(每篇):6字
文法:(國二)second year
國中1200單字(每篇): 82%
高中7000(3, 4, 5級)(每篇):7字
文法:(國三)third year
高中7000(3, 4, 5級)(每篇):12字
1. 主題多元化
2. 體裁多樣化
1.文章中心思想(Main Idea)/主題(Subject Matter)
2.細節閱讀(Supporting Details)
3.從上下文猜測字義(Words in Context)
4.文意推論(Making Inferences)
5.看懂影像圖表(Visualizing comprehension)
CEFR A2–B1/TOEIC 225–550/GEPT初中級
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Step Into Target Reading is a four-book series specially designed for beginner to intermediate level readers. Each book contains 50 content-rich lessons, with each lesson composed of a reading text and five reading comprehension questions. The topics covered in the series are fun, diverse, and related to the readers’ everyday lives. The texts come in a variety of types, providing a different reading experience daily and exposing learners to a wide range of useful everyday language.
Reading Passage
The themes covered in this book include Teens, Families, Education, Entertainment, Health & Body, Holidays & Festivals, Animals, Arts & Literature,
Science, Culture, and Travel, to name but a few. These diverse topics not only attract the readers’ attention but also lead to the acquisition of different types of knowledge. The texts themselves come in many different forms, including passages, poems, dialogues, advertisements, blogs, calendars, leaflets, magazine articles, and news clips, providing students with an array of authentic reading experiences.
Reading Practice
Each text is followed by five comprehension questions to help students understand the reading. The reading skills involved in these questions are:
Main idea / Subject matter
Supporting details
Words in context
Making inferences
Visualizing comprehension
These questions help students review the content of the reading and improve their comprehension skills.
1. Inner Beauty 內在美
2. Yang Family Budget 楊家人的家庭預算
3. Taking to the Skies 無人飛機
4. Going Through Customs 過海關
5. Clinic Schedule 門診時間
6. Get Well Card 早日康復卡
7. Take Lemons and Make Lemonade 化逆境為動力
8. Take Me Out to the Ball Game 一週內的球賽票價
9. Everyone’s a Movie Critic 每個人都是影評
10. You Can’t Park Here 禁停紙條
11. St. Patrick’s Day Parade 聖派翠克節遊行
12. Courage 勇氣
13. Save Our Park 拯救社區公園
14. School Talent Show 校園才藝競賽
15. The Street Store 街頭臨時商店
16. Some Timely Inspiration 及時的鼓勵
17. Hi, I’m Tony. I’m Looking for . . . 網路徵友
18. Graduation 畢業季
19. A Special Evening 特別的晚餐
20. Survival Camp 生存營
21. My Boss’s Busy Schedule 老闆的忙碌行事曆
22. Recipe of the Week: Panda Bear Cookies 本週食譜:浣熊餅乾
23. New Planet Discovered 新發現的行星
24. Everything Must Go 搬家拍賣
25. Living Murphy’s Law 莫非定律
26. Wedding Invitation 婚禮邀請函
27. Tips for Learning English 學英文的訣竅
28. A Message for the Future 給未來的一封信
29. Just Ask Lina 人工智能助理軟體
30. Our Planet Is Heating Up 地球快燒壞了
31. The Wave That Changed Art 改變藝術的浪潮
32. Head Transplants 頭顱移植手術
33. Schools in Finland: The Secret of Their Success 芬蘭的學校:成功教育的秘密
34. How to Do Sit-Ups 如何做仰臥起坐
35. A Brief History of Canada 加拿大簡史
36. Soak Up Some Japanese Culture 日本溫泉文化
37. A Cappella Competition 無伴奏合唱競賽
38. George Psalmanazar: The Fake Formosan 冒牌旅人喬治.薩瑪納札
39. Finding the Perfect Home 找屋介紹
40. TV Planet: Program Guide for Friday, 6th September 電視時刻表
41. You Got In 大學錄取通知
42. Vote for Sam 社區管委會選舉
43. The Whole Is Greater Than Its Parts 馬賽克藝術
44. A Spiritual Journey 心靈旅程:瑜珈之美
45. Mikania Micrantha—Invader! 小花蔓澤蘭
46. SARS and MERS, Meet the WHO 淺談SARS和MERS
47. Smog: Choking the World's Cities 霧霾
48. Chen Cheng Po 台灣畫家陳澄波
49. The Dogs of War 軍犬的創傷症候群
50. A Green Skyline 綠色天際線
加拿大多倫多約克大學(York University in Toronto)國際關係學士(BA in International Relations),英國倫敦東方及非洲研究學院(School of Oriental & African Studies)中國文學碩士(MA in Chinese Studies)。人生哲學是「以熱忱之心學習」(a passion for learning)。曾於台灣任職英文老師,也撰寫英語教科書,經歷包括自由作家、翻譯、政治網站總編輯,及全球知名大型商業公司顧問。
美國紐約出生,紐約州立大學(State University of New York)英語寫作系與哲學系(BA in English Composition and Philosophy)雙學士。曾於紐約蘭登書屋等知名出版社擔任編輯工作。1992年加入和平隊(Peace Corps),外派至泰國從事英語教學志願服務。之後二十餘年間曾於日本、南韓、中國、台灣、印尼、沙烏地阿拉伯、緬甸、寮國等地從事英語教學。曾替LTTC 財團法人語言訓練測驗中心及各出版社編寫英語教材。
Owain Mckimm is a University of Cambridge graduate who has been working in Taiwan since 2009. He has taught English to learners of all ages and levels, and is also a freelance writer. He has written for numerous publications in Taiwan, including travel and culture magazines, English teaching magazines, books, and webzines.
英國劍橋大學(University of Cambridge)英文學系學士,在臺灣工作超過10年。曾任英文老師,同時也是一位自由作家,撰寫過無數出版品,包括旅遊與文化雜誌、英語教學雜誌與書籍、網路雜誌等。目前為專職英語教材作者。
Laura Phelps is a teacher, trainer, and writer from the UK. After five years teaching English in London, she moved to Asia in 2009 and has lived there ever since. To date she has worked in four different countries (Sri Lanka, China, Malaysia, and Georgia), and hopes to add many more to the list. She has taught children, teenagers, and adults from beginner to advanced level, and has designed and delivered specialist courses including writing skills workshops for the BBC. Laura has also trained and mentored in-service teachers and worked as an academic manager.
作 者: | Zachary Fillingham / Richard Luhrs / Owain Mckimm / Laura Phelps |
出版社: | 寂天文化 |
出版日: | 2021-01-20 |
ISBN : | 9789863189657 |
書 號: | C6104-1614 |
書 系: | Ready for Reading |
裝 訂: | 平裝,膠裝 |
尺 寸: | 16K (19*26cm) |
條 碼: | 9789863189657 |
印 刷: | 彩色 |
頁 數: | 112 |
版 權: | Cosmos Culture Ltd. |