
English for Tourism and Restaurants 2(3rd Ed.)(菊8K+1MP3)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Richard Luhrs / Peg Tinsley / Frank Levin
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2018-08-23
ISBN : 9789863186878
書 號: C39270801
書 系: Hospitality English
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.
  • 定價: NT$ 580
    優惠價: NT$ 493


《English for Tourism and Restaurants》共分兩冊,是一套專為旅遊餐飲業的讀者所編寫專業英語叢書,不論是飯店接待員、餐廳服務員、接線生、導遊、空服員甚至廚師,本書均有相關的實用會話,涵蓋範圍廣泛,內容豐富,主題多元,適合於各種觀光業人員。



★Sentence Patterns(常用句型替換):這是針對主題編寫常用句型,並列出替換字和替換句,幫助讀者立即做替換練習,迅速豐富英文的表達方式。
★Pair Work(口語情境練習):編寫必備的基本句,設計對話應用,可以和夥伴一起對話,幫助反覆練習、迅速熟練英語的口語能力。
★More Expressions(必備常用句):針對主題,編寫各種常用句,幫助掌握各種情境的必備英語句,迅速提升職場的英語能力。
★Words and Phrases(常用辭彙):針對每一則對話的主題,列出常用的情境單字與片語,幫助迅速掌握必備的字彙與用語。這個部分並錄製有MP3,幫助讀者立即上手,即學即用。
★Review Tests(總復習測驗):每一冊共有四個總複習測驗,反覆練習,加強熟練。

English for Tourism and Restaurants is specially written for those who want to enter the tourism industry or the restaurant industry. As an employee, you should speak and behave in a very polite way. By studying this book, you will improve your English for these professional fields.
This book will help you:
—Get familiar with the tourism and restaurant industries through over 100 dialogs about various kinds of situations.
—Learn the essential grammar through simple sentences and clear charts.
—Enrich your vocabulary by studying the ‘Words and Phrases,” “Word Power,” and “Phrase Focus” sections.
—Strengthen your listening comprehension by doing lots of listening training.
—Improve your speaking skills by frequently doing the Pair Work.
—Deepen your understanding of English for the service industry by doing the large number of exercises.
—Understand certain English items by referring to a great number of colorful pictures.

Lesson 1 Taking Orders
Lesson 2 Explaining the Menu
Lesson 3 Serving Meals
Lesson 4 Beverage Service (1)
Lesson 5 Beverage Service (2): At the Bar
Lesson 6 Beverage Service (3): Recommending Wines
Lesson 7 Beverage Service (4): Serving Wines
Lesson 8 During the Meal
Review Test 1

Lesson 9  Settling the Bill (1)
Lesson 10 Settling the Bill (2)
Lesson 11 Checking Out
Lesson 12 Foreign Exchange
Lesson 13 Making Travel Arrangements
Lesson 14 Arranging Local Tours for Hotel Guests
Lesson 15 Transportation (1): Taxis and Buses
Lesson 16 Transportation (2): Trains, Subways, and Rental Cars
Review Test 2

Lesson 17 Shopping (1): Basic Expressions
Lesson 18 Shopping (2): Clothes, Cosmetics, and Jewelry
Lesson 19 Aviation (1): Booking Flights
Lesson 20 Aviation (2): At the Airport
Lesson 21 Aviation (3): Upon Arrival
Lesson 22 Aviation (4): During the Flight
Lesson 23 Making Announcements at the Airport and on the Plane
Lesson 24 Making an Emergency Announcement
Review Test 3

Lesson 25 Arranging Banquets and Conferences
Lesson 26 Writing a Semi-Formal Letter
Lesson 27 Dealing With Complaints in a Restaurant (1): Food
Lesson 28 Dealing With Complaints in a Restaurant (2): Service
Lesson 29 Dealing With Complaints in a Restaurant (3): Other Problems
Lesson 30 Dealing With Complaints in a Hotel (1): Accidents in Public Areas and Rooms
Lesson 31 Dealing With Complaints In a Hotel (2): Laundry Service and Guest Rooms
Lesson 32 Dealing With Complaints in a Hotel and at the Airport
Review Test 4


Richard Luhrs

美國紐約出生,紐約州立大學(State University of New York)英語寫作系與哲學系(BA in English Composition and Philosophy)雙學士。曾於紐約蘭登書屋等知名出版社擔任編輯工作。1992年加入和平隊(Peace Corps),外派至泰國從事英語教學志願服務。之後二十餘年間曾於日本、南韓、中國、台灣、印尼、沙烏地阿拉伯、緬甸、寮國等地從事英語教學。曾替LTTC 財團法人語言訓練測驗中心及各出版社編寫英語教材。

作 者: Richard Luhrs / Peg Tinsley / Frank Levin
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2018-08-23
ISBN : 9789863186878
書 號: C39270801
書 系: Hospitality English
裝 訂: 平裝
尺 寸: 菊8K (21.5*30cm)
條 碼: 9789863186878
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 200
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.
