
English POWER-On 2: Building Vocabulary & Reading Skills (2nd Ed.) (16K+1MP3)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Shara Dupuis
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2019-03-15
ISBN : 9789863187172
書 號: C48081601
書 系: Reading & Vocabulary
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.
  • 定價: NT$ 500
    優惠價: NT$ 450





閱讀前Pre-reading Warm-up 暖身題型 針對主題精心設計開放式暖身題型,幫助引導學生思考主題重點,輔以主題相關圖解單字補充(Vocabulary Tool Kit),協助閱讀前掌握主題內容,有效增進文章吸收與理解力。

閱讀中Reading Passage 主題文章 收錄12大類不同主題、36篇短篇文章,主題豐富多元,範圍涵蓋旅遊、動物、人物、藝術與文學、體育、商業、娛樂、科學與科技、文化、健康、電腦和網路等多元內容,廣泛深入提供全方位有系統的學習。

閱讀後After Reading Activities 多元活用題型 文章閱讀後,備有多元活用題型,幫助充分熟悉主題字彙,強化閱讀理解。題型內容包括:
• Reading Skill 閱讀技巧練習:詳介各種閱讀技巧,包括邏輯推理(Making Inferences)、結論歸納(Drawing Conclusions)、因果辨析(Identifying Causes and Effects)、釐清文章主旨及細節(Distinguishing Main Ideas and Supporting Details)、文本特徵分析(Evaluating Text Features)等,並提供文意測驗以練習應用閱讀技巧,幫助加深印象。
• Word Study 字彙練習:針對文章關鍵字,分析字首字尾,衍伸相關單字練習,有效加強字彙理解,擴充字彙量。
• Exercise 綜合練習:包含閱讀理解測驗(Reading Comprehension)、關鍵字彙練習(Target Vocabulary)、批判思考問答(Critical Thinking) 等練習題,協助徹底掌握文章核心概念,完整熟練關鍵字彙。

CEFR B1–B2/TOEIC 550–785/GEPT 中級–中高級

The book is for intermediate English learners and is useful for vocabulary and reading instruction at the college level.

The English POWER-On: Building Vocabulary and Reading Skills series is comprised of three books catering to English learners of different proficiency levels. Each book contains 18 units and 36 lessons that provide attractive reading material on different themes and various topics, including Travel, Animals, People, Art & Literature, Sports, Business, Entertainment, Science & Technology, Computers & the Internet, and Nature. This series offers you valuable practice with real English and a wealth of reading strategies and activities designed to help you build your vocabulary and comprehension skills.

Each lesson of the book is divided into three main parts that serve different functions and purposes.

Before you read, each Pre-reading Warm-up exercise provides discussion questions to help you warm up your brain, increase your comprehension of the article, and familiarize you with the main topic.

As you read, each short Reading Passage covers one of the many interesting topics and genres in the book, and points out target words and phrases to enhance your vocabulary and reading competence as well as foster your skills in appropriate word usage.

After you read, this section provides you with different kinds of after-reading activities, including:
• Reading Skill practices reading skills such as Making Inferences, Drawing Conclusions, Identifying Causes and Effects, Distinguishing Main Ideas and Supporting Details, and Evaluating Text Features.
• Word Study reinforces the appropriate usage of words and phrases.
• Exercise consists of Reading Comprehension, Target Vocabulary, and Critical Thinking.
These after-reading activities will help you gain a better understanding of the article and also build up your vocabulary and reading skills.

CEFR B1–B2/TOEIC 550–785/GEPT 中級–中高級

Unit 1 Culture文化
Lesson 1 Big and Beautiful? 大而美?
Lesson 2 The Japanese Tea Ceremony日本茶道

Unit 2 Arts & Literature藝術與文學
Lesson 3 Henrik Ibsen亨利克•易卜生
Lesson 4 Marc Chagall馬克•夏卡爾

Review 1
Lesson 5 Urban Legends: Fact or Fiction? 都市傳說:事實還是虛構?
Lesson 6 Louis Armstrong路易斯•阿姆斯壯

Unit 3 Politics政治
Lesson 7 Israel and the Palestinian Territories以巴領土爭議
Lesson 8 Because It's Time時代不同了

Unit 4 Business商業
Lesson 9 Social Media Economy社群媒體經濟
Lesson 10 Saving Time Online省時網購

Review 2
Lesson 11 Syrian Refugee Crisis敘利亞難民危機
Lesson 12 Go for the Gold! 淘金去!

Unit 5 Technology科技
Lesson 13 Cyberbullying網路霸凌
Lesson 14 Facebook—User Beware! 臉書――用戶當心!

Unit 6 Science科學
Lesson 15 Love Is Like a Drug愛情如毒品
Lesson 16 Doomsday? 世界末日?

Review 3
Lesson 17 Pheromones, Our Sixth Sense費洛蒙:我們的第六感
Lesson 18 Almost Human幾近為人

Unit 7 Health健康
Lesson 19 Fake Health Food冒牌健康食品
Lesson 20 Monsters Inside You! 怪物在你體內!

Unit 8 Entertainment娛樂
Lesson 21 The Vampire Phenomenon吸血鬼狂熱
Lesson 22 (Un)Reality TV真人實境秀

Review 4
Lesson 23 Asperger's Syndrome亞斯伯格症候群
Lesson 24 From Stutter to Stardom從口吃到成名

Unit 9 Nature自然
Lesson 25 The Battle of the Bees救蜂大作戰
Lesson 26 Plate Tectonics板塊構造學說

Unit 10 Travel旅遊
Lesson 27 Napa Valley葡萄酒鄉:納帕谷
Lesson 28 Quebec City聚焦魁北克

Review 5
Lesson 29 Cycling in the Netherlands荷蘭單車之旅
Lesson 30 Big Bugs! 認識巨蟲!

Unit 11 Sports體育
Lesson 31 Ousted Olympic Sports黯然退場的奧運項目
Lesson 32 LeBron James傳奇球星:「詹皇」詹姆斯

Unit 12 Life生活
Lesson 33 An Introduction to Aromatherapy芳香療法簡介
Lesson 34 The Smaller, the Better? 小而優?

Review 6
Lesson 35 Road Rage你有「路怒症」嗎?
Lesson 36 Cristiano Ronaldo「C羅」羅納度


Shara Dupuis

Shara Dupuis has been working in the field of English language learning for the past 17 years. She holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in Second Language Teaching and Psychology, a Bachelor of Education degree, and a Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) certificate. Previously published works include computer-based software for English language learning, Test of English for International Communication (TOIEC) preparation guides, and numerous ESL resources used within schools from elementary to college level in both Asia and North America. Shara currently lives in Canada and is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers.

從事英語教育17年,第二語言教學與心理學榮譽學士(Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in Second Language Teaching and Psychology)、教育學士(Bachelor of Education degree),擁有專業英語教學執照(TESOL certificate)。於亞洲及北美出版過各類電腦英語教學軟體、多益考試準備用書、小學至大學程度英語教學書籍。現居加拿大,為加拿大安大略省教師公會(Ontario College of Teachers)會員。

作 者: Shara Dupuis
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2019-03-15
ISBN : 9789863187172
書 號: C48081601
書 系: Reading & Vocabulary
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 16K (19*26cm)
條 碼: 9789863187172
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 200
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.
