
English for Beauty Care Professionals: Refreshing Your Body and Mind(菊8K+1MP3)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Pei-Chin Hsieh(謝佩芩) / Brian Foden
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2012-08-08
ISBN : 9789863180166
書 號: C44120801
書 系: ESP 專業英文
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.
  • 定價: NT$ 580
    優惠價: NT$ 522










This textbook is designed primarily for high-intermediate students and students in departments of beauty science, health beauty, and nursing.

Based on breaking science and medical knowledge, English for Beauty Care Professionals: Refreshing Your Body and Mind represents the most comprehensive beauty care textbook to date. This book is a practical reference guide for English for beauty, introducing beauty care topics in a professional and easy to understand manner.

This book tackles two major categories in the field of beauty: the face and the body. It includes 10 chapters of professional beauty care knowledge, important English grammar rules and usage tips, beauty product applications, and helpful step-by-step beauty care how-tos. This beauty care guide, illustrated throughout with more than 500 colorful pictures showing useful beauty concepts and vocabulary, provides both visually rich and textually engaging information about beauty care and is the most suitable reference book for beauty care professionals.

• Article. The article in each chapter focuses on essential beauty care knowledge and information, including skin histology, skincare regimens, and introductions to skincare products, facial masks, aromatherapy, and medical cosmetology.

• Vocabulary, Phrases, and Sample Sentences. Terms related to and necessary for understanding beauty care are listed along with definitions and sample sentences.

• Grammar in Use. Important English grammar in each article is clearly explained with examples.

• Dialogue. Useful dialogues in different contexts associated with the topic serve as models of collaborative communication for students to engage in.

• Post-Reading Exercises. Key concepts in each chapter are the focus of these exercises. The exercises include Reading Comprehension Questions, Grammar Practice, Listening Practice, and topic-related Practice and Pair Work, which allow students to evaluate and implement what they have acquired during the lesson.

• Audio MP3. Audio MP3 containing audio examples of the articles, vocabulary, phrases and sample sentences, dialogues, and listening practices, is included with each book.

• English-Chinese Glossary. The book concludes with an English-Chinese glossary covering translations and pronunciations of more than 300 key vocabulary words introduced in the book.

Chapter 01 An Introduction to Your Skin
Chapter 02 Sun Protection for Your Skin
Chapter 03 The Steps of Cleaning & Skin Care
Chapter 04 The Components of Skincare Products
Chapter 05 An In-Depth Look at Facial Masks
Chapter 06 The Components of Facial Masks
Chapter 07 Making Your Own Facial Masks
Chapter 08 An Introduction to Aromatherapy
Chapter 09 Uses of Essential Oil
Chapter 10 An Introduction to Cosmetology
Listening Script 聽力測驗腳本
English-Chinese Glossary字彙表(英漢對照)


Pei-Chin Hsieh(謝佩芩)

謝佩芩博士於美國拉希瑞亞大學(La sierra University)取得教育博士學位(英語教學專業),自2009年起任教於敏惠醫護管理專科學校通識教育中心助理教授,研究領域專注在英語教學中的電腦輔助語言學習及專業英語教學,著有《English for Beauty Care Professionals: Refreshing Your Body and Mind》和《English up! Success With English》。 Dr. Pei-Chin Hsieh received her Ed.D in curriculum and instruction (TESOL Specialization) from La sierra University, United States. She is an assistant professor of center for general education at Min-Hwei Junior College of Health Care Management where she has been a faculty member since 2009. Her research interests focus on the area of CALL and ESP instruction. Her publications include English for Beauty Care Professionals and English up! Success with English.

Brian Foden

來自加拿大溫哥華(Vancouver, Canada),身兼ESL(English as Second Language,英文為第二語言)作家、教師、配音員,以及報紙廣播記者等多重身份。於1999年定居台灣至今,曾在加拿大擔任報社記者,並任職於加拿大廣播公司(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,CBC)。2000年至2004年,於ICRT(台北國際社區廣播電台)擔任新聞編寫與播報工作。目前專職寫作英語學習書籍,並兼職成人英語教學。此外也是獨立配音員,在台灣已撰寫多本著作。

作 者: Pei-Chin Hsieh(謝佩芩) / Brian Foden
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2012-08-08
ISBN : 9789863180166
書 號: C44120801
書 系: ESP 專業英文
裝 訂: 平裝
尺 寸: 菊8K (21.5*30cm)
條 碼: 9789863180166
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 200
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.
