※ 本文節錄自《帶日本人趴趴走:日語導遊台灣(25K彩圖+1MP3)》
[講堂] 早餐吃煎蛋和白飯
[講堂] 飲料打翻了
[講堂] 這道料理的調味清淡
...★Finding the Way 問路
A Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Hilton Hotel?
B Go straight down this street about five blocks, and you’ll see a drugstore on the corner. When you get there, turn right. You’ll see it just on your left.
A How long will it take me to get there on foot?
B About 7 minutes.
A I see. Thanks for your help.
A 不好意思,請問希爾頓飯店要怎麼走?
B 這條馬路直走大約 ...
★Renting a Car 租車
A I’d like to rent a car.
B What kind of car would you like?
A Something that is medium-sized and gets good mileage.
B Would you prefer a Japanese car?
A Something in the 2-liter class that is easy to drive and has left-hand steering.
B Why don’t you try that model over there? May I see your driver’s license and credit card?
B 您要租什麼樣的車呢?
...★What's the Best Way to Get There? 請問要怎麼去最快呢?
A Excuse me. I’d like to go to the Bronx Zoo, but what’s the best way to get there?
B Let me see. You can take a bus, but the quickest way is to take the subway from here.
A Where is the nearest subway station?
B You can see Manhattan Station over there. The zoo is about a 10-minute walk from the East Tremont Avenue station.
A You have ...
★Immigration Inspection 入境審查
A What’s the purpose of your visit?
B Sightseeing.
A How long are you going to stay in the United States?
B For seven days.
A Where will you be staying?
B I’ll stay at the Hilton Hotel.
A Do you have your return ticket?
B Yes. Here it is.
A 你來此的目的是什麼?
B 觀光。
A 你打算在美國停留多久?
B 七天。
A 你要住在哪裡?
B 我住希爾頓大飯店。
A 你有 ...
★Finding the Seat 找位子
A Where is my seat?
B Your seat number is 16A. Down this aisle, to your right.
A Thank you.
A Excuse me, but I think you’re sitting in my seat.What’s your seat number?
CIt’s 17A. Oh, I’m sorry. I made a mistake.
A Don’t worry about it.
A 請問我的位子在哪裡?
B 你的位子是16A,這邊的走道直走,在你右手邊的地方。
A 謝謝。
A 不好意思,你坐的這個位子 ...
★Confirm Reservation 確認訂位
A Hello. I’d like to confirm my reservation. My name is Anne Lin.
B What’s your name again, please?
A L-I-N, Lin.
B I see. What’s your flight number?
A I’m on Flight 724 to London on October 31.
B Hold on, please . . . Yes, Flight 724 for London, departing on October 31, is confirmed.
B 麻煩您再說一次您的姓 ...