
Spot On Reading 2: Keys to Developing Core Competencies(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Owain Mckimm / Laura Phelps
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2021-12-24
ISBN : 9786263000858
書 號: C3251-1614
書 系: Thinking About Reading
試讀     試聽    
  • 定價: NT$ 450
    優惠價: NT$ 383


生活情境化主題 + 多元化體裁 + 跨學科/跨領域知識整合 + 精編閱讀混合題型練習



1. 套書依程度分冊,以難度循序漸進編寫,學習分量適中有成效



Book 1

Book 2

Book 3


250–300 words

300–330 words

330–360 words


Level 1–Level 4

Level 1–Level 5

Level 1–Level 6



Book 1

Book 2

Book 3


150–200 words

200–230 words

230–260 words


Level 1–Level 4

Level 1–Level 5

Level 1–Level 6

2. 多元閱讀題材與生活化撰文體裁,有效將學習融入生活

3. 文後閱讀混合題型與字彙測驗,高效訓練閱讀技巧與字彙力
4. 豐富多彩圖表,輔助閱讀、加強吸收
5. 道地發音MP3,一次學會正確發音,增進英聽能力
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Spot On Reading is a three-volume series of reading practice books that helps readers develop reading competence and improve their reading-comprehension skills. As the 108 curriculum guidelines emphasize the importance of interdisciplinary and real-life-based learning, this series aims to provide readers with content that spans a wide variety of topics and forms.

Each book in the series contains 60 articles covering a comprehensive range of subjects, including animals, economy & finance, sports, history, and careers, to name a few.

Many of the readings also include supporting reference sources and visual materials, such as infographics, timelines, bar charts, and mind maps. The intriguing topics and diverse formats present in this series not only ensure a rich reading experience but also connect the learning process with readers' everyday lives.

In addition, each article is followed by five comprehension questions and a vocabulary practice. The former offers mixed question types, including multiple-choice, short-answer, true/false, and matching questions, designed to stretch students' answering abilities beyond the basic level.

The latter contains matching and completion sections, which help readers gain a better understanding of the definitions and usages of each article's vocabulary.

After working through the abundant questions in the series, readers will have learned to answer each type of question correctly and quickly and will be fully prepared for their upcoming entrance examinations.

Key Features

1. Interdisciplinary topics related to everyday life
The topics in each book include culture, school, careers, safety, Internet & technology, science, travel, and many more. This diversity enables readers to enrich their lives by exploring a wide range of knowledge in English.

2. A variety of reference sources and visual materials
Many of the articles in each book include additional elements, such as charts, tables, timelines, Venn diagrams, maps, and infographics, all of which teach readers how to analyze content that supports the main text.

3. Graded difficulty
Each book in the series is graded according to its language difficulty. As such, readers can choose which book to read according to their personal English level. The difficulty levels are distinguished by the length of each text, the number of high-level words used, the complexity of the grammar, and the maximum sentence length.

4. MP3 audio recorded by professional native speakers
Each article in the series has been recorded by a native speaker. When listening to these recordings, learners can be confident that they are hearing the correct pronunciation of each word while simultaneously boosting their listening skills.

CEFR B1–B2/TOEIC 550–785/GEPT 中級—中高級 Intermediate–High-Intermediate


1.The Dance That Tells a Story訴說故事的舞蹈
2.When Mother Nature Attacks 大自然的襲擊
3.The Last Pharaoh最後的法老王
4.Studying Abroad 海外留學
5.Raising Money in the Internet Age 網路時代的募資方式
6.Healthcare for All 全民健保
7.Enjoying Nature, Harmlessly 無害享受大自然
8.The Death of Cash? 現金消亡了嗎?
9.When Bread is Your Enemy 當麵包成為你的敵人
10.How Hot Is It Really? 到底有多熱?
11.Growing Brains成長中的大腦
12.Too Hot for Fido? 對狗狗來說,太熱了嗎?
13.Following the Crowd 人云亦云
14.Making the Most of Each Day 充分利用每一天
15.A Great Mind Cut Short 早逝的英才
16.From Spicy Drink to Sweet Treat 從辛辣飲品變身為甜點
17.Sweat Power! 汗水的力量!
18.Baroque or Rococo? 巴洛克抑或洛可可?
19.A Killer on the Savanna 熱帶疏林草原上的殺手
20.That Machine Stole My Job! 機器偷走我的工作!
21.A Bad System for All Genders父權體制荼毒所有性別
22.In-store or Online? 實體店面抑或網路商店?
23.Sign before you Dive簽下去,再跳傘
24.Which Hopper Are You? 是青蛙?還是蟾蜍?
25.Four People’s Résumés四個人的履歷表
26.The Right Time for a Post? 適合發文的時間?
27.Celebrating Diwali慶祝排燈節
28.Picture Stories With Extra Depth格外有深度的圖畫故事
29.When Your Partner is Poison有毒情人
30.Sorry, There’s Been a Misunderstanding抱歉,這是一場誤會
31.Machine or Pet? 是機器還是寵物?
32.10,000 Hours to Spare? 一萬小時法則?
33.Animal — or Ghost? 是動物——還是幽靈?
34.How to Stop the Spread! 如何阻止謠言散播!
35.Eight Different Kinds of Smart八種多元智能
36.A Troublesome Time for Girls女孩的困擾時刻
37.All the Clean Power We Need? 我們所需的潔淨能源?
38.What Kind of Headache?你是哪種頭痛?
39.Staying Alert in the Time of COVID-19新冠疫情時保持警覺
40.A Good Time to Be Alive 真好命的時代
41.Boxes, Boxes Everywhere! 到處都是小框格!
42.Music Anywhere, Anytime 隨時隨地聽音樂
43.The Importance of Rituals 儀式的重要性
44.A Dangerous Addiction 危險的成癮症
45.How to Live Forever: Lessons From the Natural World
46.Bye Bye Essay Blues! 作文憂鬱症掰掰!
47.Art That Goes Ahhhhh! 驚聲尖叫的藝術品!
48.The Secret to Prosperity? 富強的祕訣?
49.The Woman Who Saved 2,500 Children 拯救2500名孩童的女子
50.The Global Baby Shortage 全球少子化
51.A Glass of the Good Stuff 美好的一杯
52.Spot the Difference 看見差異
53.What is Palliative Care? 何謂緩和醫療?
54.Out of Taiwan遷徙出臺灣
55.Tiny Beauty 微型之美
56.The Ever-Changing Tongue 不斷變化的語言
57.Your Digital Life After Death 你死後的數位人生
58.You Need All Three 三個都要
59.Places for the Mind to Rest, Feed, and Play 讓心靈休息、滋養和娛樂的地方
60.Living Your Sporting Dream 活出你的運動夢


Owain Mckimm

Owain Mckimm is a University of Cambridge graduate who has been working in Taiwan since 2009. He has taught English to learners of all ages and levels, and is also a freelance writer. He has written for numerous publications in Taiwan, including travel and culture magazines, English teaching magazines, books, and webzines.

英國劍橋大學(University of Cambridge)英文學系學士,在臺灣工作超過10年。曾任英文老師,同時也是一位自由作家,撰寫過無數出版品,包括旅遊與文化雜誌、英語教學雜誌與書籍、網路雜誌等。目前為專職英語教材作者。

Laura Phelps

Laura Phelps is a teacher, trainer, and writer from the UK. After five years teaching English in London, she moved to Asia in 2009 and has lived there ever since. To date she has worked in four different countries (Sri Lanka, China, Malaysia, and Georgia), and hopes to add many more to the list. She has taught children, teenagers, and adults from beginner to advanced level, and has designed and delivered specialist courses including writing skills workshops for the BBC. Laura has also trained and mentored in-service teachers and worked as an academic manager.


作 者: Owain Mckimm / Laura Phelps
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2021-12-24
ISBN : 9786263000858
書 號: C3251-1614
書 系: Thinking About Reading
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 16K(19*26cm)
條 碼: 9786263000858
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 256
