How to Understand English News:A Comprehensive Guide to Reading English News(菊8K +寂天雲隨身聽APP)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Zachary Fillingham / Brian Foden
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2021-09-29
ISBN : 9786263000780
書 號: C1819-0814
書 系: 新聞英語
試讀     試聽    
  • 定價: NT$ 600
    優惠價: NT$ 540


PART I詳解新聞閱讀技巧,探討新聞英語文體特色,輔以大量新聞片段為例,協助學生快速理解、掌握新聞英語慣用語法、文章架構及常見新聞詞彙,從用語細節辨別新聞資訊客觀性,與來源可信度。各章節解說皆搭配有課後練習,幫助實際演練,立即檢視學習成效。

PART II蒐羅11大領域新聞主題,取材自全球重要新聞和議題,讓學生藉由廣泛閱讀新聞文章,累積新聞英語字彙、熟悉新聞文體用詞、句法和架構。單篇新聞後搭配三大關鍵題型練習,檢視理解新聞程度,鞏固學習成效。


1. 新聞閱讀策略搭配短篇新聞實例,輔以課後活用練習
2. 全球重大議題新聞,文章後皆設計有3大題型練習
1. 字彙(Vocabulary):測驗重點新聞專業單字用語,累積新聞英語字彙。
2. 理解(Comprehension):強化對新聞的認知,培養英語新聞理解力。
3. 批判性思考(Critical Thinking):引導學生判斷分析新聞議題,培養批判思考能力。

This book is an essential reference tool for intermediate to high-intermediate English learners and students in applied English and journalism-related departments. Containing authentic news articles and carefully written according to several dependable global sources, this book is divided into two parts, with 18 chapters in total.

PART I focuses on introducing English news style, features, usage, and structures. It teaches you, step by step, how to understand English news by offering useful reading strategies, and it includes plenty of opportunities to practice the techniques you have learned immediately.

PART II provides a wide variety of English news, from news about world events to entertainment pieces. Each news article is accompanied by review exercises to improve your vocabulary and test your comprehension of the news.

This book aims to guide you to read and understand English news, to introduce the special usage and arrangement of English news articles, and to help you become a critical thinker by looking beyond the words to grasp critical concepts in order to fully comprehend news stories in a more systematic way.

Basic Structures of This Book
PART I: Reading Comprehension Methods
This section guides you, step by step, to understanding news English, introducing you to the grammar rules as well as to the use of idioms and special vocabulary seen in English news. The methods provided in this part will help train your reading ability to comprehend news English intensively. Numerous exercises are included in every chapter, which helps ingrain the reading tips through practical and immediate application.
PART II: Sample News Stories
This section offers a wide range of news articles covering politics, business and finance, technology, the environment, war and terrorism, health, sports, and more. The topics are categorized into 11 chapters, each dealing with a theme prevalent in the news worldwide. There are 35 news articles, and after each news article you will find three exercises: Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Critical Thinking. The questions in these exercises are designed to help English learners improve their ability of understanding English news, from absorbing information in news to critical thinking about news topics.

CEFR B1–B2/TOEIC 550–785/GEPT 中級–中高級

PART I: Reading Comprehension Methods 閱讀理解技巧

Chapter 1 Skimming & Scanning略讀&細看
1-1 The First Part of a News Story: Headline and Lead
1-2 How to Scan the Body of a News Story如何細覽新聞主體
Chapter 2 Understanding the Opening Sentence (Lead) of a Story瞭解文章開頭
2-1 Identifying the Subject and Main Verb of a Lead
2-2 Difficult Sentences複雜句型
2-3 Other Parts of a Sentence句子的其他組成部分
2-4 Opening Phrases開頭語
2-5 Lead Sentences—Checking Understanding起頭句——確認理解力
Chapter 3 Moving Past the Lead過了開頭這山
3-1 Anticipating What Follows in a Story預想故事發展
3-2 Connecting Information: Linking Words and Phrases to Previous References資訊組合:隻言片語連結前述訊息
3-3 Tips on Reading a News Story新聞閱讀秘訣
3-4 The Importance of Background Information and Interpretation
Chapter 4 Using Context to Understand Words藉由上下文讀懂生字
4-1 The Power of Inference推論的力量
4-2 The Power of Guessing揣測的力量
4-3 Finding Explanations in Leads and Articles
4-4 Looking for Clues to Meaning: Getting Second Chances
Chapter 5 Making Sense of Headlines破解新聞標題
5-1 How Newspaper Headlines Break the (Grammar) Rules
5-2 Various Kinds of Newspaper Headlines各式新聞標題
5-3 The Special Vocabulary of Headlines標題常見特殊用字
5-4 The Use of Idioms標題屢見慣用語
Chapter 6 Taking a Critical Look at Articles對新聞抱持批判性見解
6-1 Sources and Reliability資料來源與可信度
Chapter 7 Soft News: A Different Side of Journalism軟新聞:新聞媒體的另一面
7-1 Feature Stories專題報導
7-2 Opinion Pieces意見評論

PART II: Sample News Stories完整新聞實例

Chapter 8 Politics政治
8-1 Trump Wins Election川普當選總統
8-2 On the March! 共和國前進!
8-3 Violence Erupts as Catalonia Chooses Independence
8-4 Chinese President Xi Jinping Heads to the United States for First Face-to-Face Meeting With Donald Trump習近平首度訪美會見川普
8-5 Brexit Moving Forward, but Immigration Still in Question
Chapter 9 Business & Finance商業&金融
9-1 Wall Street Declines Due to China, NAFTA Worries
9-2 Confidence Soars, but Europe Faces Continuing Challenges in 2018
9-3 Macron: EU Must Cooperate on Investment to Gain China’s Respect 馬克宏籲歐盟應合力對外,以得到中國尊重
9-4 Trump Threatens New Sanctions as China Vows to Get Tough on North Korea川普以經濟制裁為籌碼,勢要從「中」下手,制住北韓
9-5 Metalworkers Strike in Germany 德國金屬工人集體罷工
9-6 A Divided Country Gets a Divisive Tax Bill 分裂的國家,分化的稅制
Chapter 10 Technology科技
10-1 Pilotless Planes Becoming a Reality 無人駕駛飛機即將問世
10-2 Big Data Aiding Africa 大數據支援非洲
Chapter 11 Environment環境
11-1 Breakfast for Buses 公車也來杯咖啡?
11-2 China Tackles Its Pollution Problem 中國著手解決空污問題
Chapter 12 Crime罪
12-1 Cargo of Death 死亡列車
12-2 Childhood Spanking Linked to Dating Violence
12-3 Foul! Corruption on the Court 犯規!球場腐敗
12-4 Teenagers Suspected of Choking Gay Man Arrested
Chapter 13 Disaster災難
13-1 Terrible Tembin Takes Its Toll天秤颱風刷新傷亡數
13-2 Somalia Declares Emergency as Drought and Disease Spread
13-3 California Wildfires the Worst in History
13-4 Powerful Quake Rocks Indonesia 強震撼動印尼
Chapter 14 War & Terrorism戰爭&恐怖主義
14-1 Iran Connection in Saudi Arabia Missile Attack
14-2 Kabul Suicide Bomb Kills 18 People
Chapter 15 Sports體育
15-1 France Dominates Belgium to Win 10th Davis Cup
15-2 Lonzo Ball Joins the Lakers Lonzo Ball獲選進入湖人隊
Chapter 16 Health健康
16-1 Researchers Investigate Link Between Teen Suicide, Social Media
16-2 Scientists Reveal Nanotechnology Breakthrough on Cell DNA
Chapter 17 Entertainment & Arts娛樂&藝術
17-1 Forgotten Van Gogh Drawing Goes on Show in Netherlands
17-2 Hollywood Stars Shine at London Premiere for Murder on the Orient Express 好萊塢明星現身《東方快車謀殺案》倫敦首映會
17-3 Adele and Beyoncé Sweep the Grammy Awards
17-4 The Summer of Jewelry on Three Continents
Chapter 18 Feature Story專題
18-1 Has Spring Finally Arrived for the People of Uzbekistan?
18-2 Syrian Refugees Find Freedom on Two Wheels


Zachary Fillingham

加拿大多倫多約克大學(York University in Toronto)國際關係學士(BA in International Relations),英國倫敦東方及非洲研究學院(School of Oriental & African Studies)中國文學碩士(MA in Chinese Studies)。人生哲學是「以熱忱之心學習」(a passion for learning)。曾於台灣任職英文老師,也撰寫英語教科書,經歷包括自由作家、翻譯、政治網站總編輯,及全球知名大型商業公司顧問。

Brian Foden

來自加拿大溫哥華(Vancouver, Canada),身兼ESL(English as Second Language,英文為第二語言)作家、教師、配音員,以及報紙廣播記者等多重身份。於1999年定居台灣至今,曾在加拿大擔任報社記者,並任職於加拿大廣播公司(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,CBC)。2000年至2004年,於ICRT(台北國際社區廣播電台)擔任新聞編寫與播報工作。目前專職寫作英語學習書籍,並兼職成人英語教學。此外也是獨立配音員,在台灣已撰寫多本著作。

作 者: Zachary Fillingham / Brian Foden
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2021-09-29
ISBN : 9786263000780
書 號: C1819-0814
書 系: 新聞英語
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 菊8K (21*28 cm)
條 碼: 9786263000780
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 228
