Taiwan in Simple English: The Best Guidebook for Travelers and Tour Guides (4th Ed.) (16K +寂天雲隨身聽APP)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Peg Tinsley / Paul O'Hagan / Owain Mckimm
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2021-09-22
ISBN : 9786263000650
書 號: C4504-1644
書 系: English for Tourism
試讀     試聽    
  • 定價: NT$ 480
    優惠價: NT$ 432






1.Word Bank(關鍵字彙庫):針對短文與會話,列出關鍵單字,加強核心字彙學習。
2.Reading Passage(短文閱讀):每個單元以一篇350–400字短文閱讀開始,扣緊主題,簡要地介紹台灣。
5.Extra Reading(延伸文化閱讀):提供各種豐富的主題小短文,作為台灣文化的補充介紹,如介紹客家文化、過年文化、台灣人的送禮文化等主題,進一步深入了解台灣文化,深具知性與趣味。
7.More Pictures(圖文補充):針對各單元主題,補充精彩的實景照片與英文說明,如最新熱門打卡景點,讓讀者有更充實的相關知識及字彙庫,就能更靈活自如地介紹台灣。



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This book comprises 32 intriguing articles that introduce various aspects of Taiwan, including its geography, customs and culture, food and drinks, daily life, history, must-see attractions, and ongoing development.

The book aims to teach its readers almost everything there is to know about Taiwan in clear and simple English. After you have mastered some useful basic English vocabulary and phrases, you will learn how to talk about Taiwan without having to use complicated or difficult language.

As you read this book, you will learn how to make yourself easily understood in English not only when talking about Taiwan, but also when discussing many other topics! Each unit of the book is divided into the following sections.

Word Bank
Important vocabulary and phrases are listed here to help readers understand the Reading Passages and Conversations.

Reading Passage
This is a 350–to--400-word passage that provides information concerning a particular aspect of Taiwan, such as religion, culture, languages, festivals, or history.

The next section is a quiz based on the contents of the passage, which helps you focus on your reading and test your comprehension.

In the Conversation section, you and a partner will talk about the topic of the passage. Practicing these lively dialogues will enhance your oral English skills.

The practice section offers you the opportunity to review what you’ve learned. This valuable part of each unit includes listening, reading, and writing segments.

Colorful illustrations with explanations will help you fully appreciate Taiwanese culture, food, and scenic spots, including the most Instagram-worthy sights on this beautiful island.

Extra Reading
One or two additional passages are provided at the ends of some units to enrich your knowledge of Taiwan.

Reading this book will give you the opportunity to take a closer look at the wonderful island of Taiwan while learning that using English is both easy and fun!

CEFR A2–B1/TOEIC 225–500/GEPT 初級—中級

Map of Taiwan
Unit 1 Geography 地理
Unit 2 Climate 氣候
Unit 3 Population 人口
Unit 4 Languages 語言
Unit 5 Religions 宗教
Unit 6 Temples 寺廟
Unit 7 Confucianism 儒家思想
Unit 8 Traditional Arts 傳統藝術
Unit 9 Traditional and Modern Architecture 傳統與現代建築
Unit 10 Traditional Etiquette 傳統禮儀
Unit 11 The Gifting Culture 送禮文化
Unit 12 Food Culture 飲食文化
Unit 13 Popular Foods and Drinks 受歡迎的食物與飲料
Unit 14 Night Markets 夜市
Unit 15 Chinese New Year 中國新年
Unit 16 The Lantern Festival and Dragon Boat Festival 元宵節與端午節
Unit 17 Ghost Month and the Moon Festival 鬼月與中秋節
Unit 18 Local Festivals 地方節慶
Unit 19 Taipei: Getting Around and Museums 台北:交通與博物館
Unit 20 Taipei: Attractions 台北:熱門景點
Unit 21 Hsinchu and Taichung 新竹與台中
Unit 22 Taichung: Attractions 台中:熱門景點
Unit 23 Sun Moon Lake 日月潭
Unit 24 Tainan: History 台南:歷史
Unit 25 Tainan: Tractions 台南:熱門景點
Unit 26 Kaohsiung: General 高雄:概述
Unit 27 Kaohsiung: Attractions (1) 高雄:熱門景點 (1)
Unit 28 Kaohsiung: Attractions (2) 高雄:熱門景點 (1)
Unit 29 Kenting 墾丁
Unit 30 The East Coast: General 東海岸:概述
Unit 31 The East Coast: Hualien and Taitung 東海岸:花蓮與台東
Unit 32 The East Coast: Indigenous Culture 東海岸:原住民文化


Paul O'Hagan


Owain Mckimm

Owain Mckimm is a University of Cambridge graduate who has been working in Taiwan since 2009. He has taught English to learners of all ages and levels, and is also a freelance writer. He has written for numerous publications in Taiwan, including travel and culture magazines, English teaching magazines, books, and webzines.

英國劍橋大學(University of Cambridge)英文學系學士,在臺灣工作超過10年。曾任英文老師,同時也是一位自由作家,撰寫過無數出版品,包括旅遊與文化雜誌、英語教學雜誌與書籍、網路雜誌等。目前為專職英語教材作者。

作 者: Peg Tinsley / Paul O'Hagan / Owain Mckimm
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2021-09-22
ISBN : 9786263000650
書 號: C4504-1644
書 系: English for Tourism
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 16K(19*26cm)
條 碼: 9786263000650
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 216
