
English Up! Success With English (菊8K+別冊+寂天雲隨身聽APP)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Pei-Chin Hsieh(謝佩芩) / Lee Shu-Chiun / Fang-Fang Fang
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2021-09-10
ISBN : 9786263000544
書 號: C5901-0814
書 系: Reading & Listening
試讀     試聽    
  • 定價: NT$ 450
    優惠價: NT$ 405


Brush up Your English!

English Up! 是一套包含聽說讀寫初中級英語學習教材,適合基礎程度的讀者作為銜接教材,透過八篇生活化的文章與仿二技考試所出的習題,能強化英語基礎並增進實力。本書後附有動詞三態變化整理,此外,別冊亦集結各課單字中解、音標及例句練習,也提供Globish 1500字以利讀者背誦,擴充字庫。

說 Warm-up

讀 Reading Passage ‧Reading Comprehension ‧Exercises

聽、寫 Conversation ‧Practice ‧Guided Translation

English Up! targets pre-intermediate level learners of English who already possess a general understanding of English and wish to further strengthen their skills. The supplementary materials include a complete list of all the new vocabulary and phrases introduced in the book as well as the full Globish word list of 1500 essential English words.

English Up! focuses on the four main skills of English learning (reading, listening, speaking, and writing). With a total of eight units, English Up! covers a variety of engaging topics, which will help students gain confidence and develop their English abilities.

Each unit consists of ──

Speak Up! Warm-up
Each unit opens with a warm-up section designed to give students a head start before delving deeper into the content of the unit. Students are provided with three topic-focused questions, which stimulate interest and encourage discussion.

Read Up! Reading Passage
‧Reading Comprehension ‧Exercises
Each unit includes a 250-word informative reading passage along with a list of vocabulary and phrases that will help students enhance their literal comprehension skills.
The reading comprehension section tests each reader’s deeper understanding of the passage, and the exercises that follow aim to familiarize readers with the newly introduced vocabulary and grammar usage.
Both sections, which simulate common test patterns, are specially designed to prepare students for the entrance examinations of two-year technical and vocational colleges.

Listen Up! & Write Up! Conversation
‧Practice ‧Guided Translation
Finally, each unit ends with a conversation based around the topic. The scenarios are taken from daily life, making them relatable and fun, and with the help of the audio samples, students can learn how to speak correct, natural-sounding English.
The practice section that follows tests the ability to infer meaning from context, while the guided translation assesses grammar and phrasing, again preparing students for college entrance exams. In addition, the audio files that accompany these exercises further allow students to practice their listening skills.



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CEFR A2–B1/TOEIC 225–550/GEPT 初中級 low Intermediate

❶ Greetings Around the World
Handshakes, Kisses, Tongues, and Other Greetings
❷ Health Care
The Flu Season Is Nearly Here Once Again
❸ Holidays & Culture
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
❹ Beauty Care
The Basics of Skin Care
❺ Oral Health Care
How to Prevent Dental Cavities
❻ Environmental Conservation
Making Money from Wasted Food
❼ Childhood Education
How to Get Parents More Involved in Their Children’s Education
❽ World Travel
The Historic City of London


Pei-Chin Hsieh(謝佩芩)

謝佩芩博士於美國拉希瑞亞大學(La sierra University)取得教育博士學位(英語教學專業),自2009年起任教於敏惠醫護管理專科學校通識教育中心助理教授,研究領域專注在英語教學中的電腦輔助語言學習及專業英語教學,著有《English for Beauty Care Professionals: Refreshing Your Body and Mind》和《English up! Success With English》。 Dr. Pei-Chin Hsieh received her Ed.D in curriculum and instruction (TESOL Specialization) from La sierra University, United States. She is an assistant professor of center for general education at Min-Hwei Junior College of Health Care Management where she has been a faculty member since 2009. Her research interests focus on the area of CALL and ESP instruction. Her publications include English for Beauty Care Professionals and English up! Success with English.

作 者: Pei-Chin Hsieh(謝佩芩) / Lee Shu-Chiun / Fang-Fang Fang
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2021-09-10
ISBN : 9786263000544
書 號: C5901-0814
書 系: Reading & Listening
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 菊8K (21.5*28.5 cm)
條 碼: 9786263000544
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 120
