
World Around:An Intercultural Journey Through English-Speaking Countries (1書+1CD)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Maria Cleary
出版社: Helbling Languages
出版日: 2008-07-01
ISBN : 9788895225067
書 號: IE000017
書 系: 進口書
版 權: Helbling Languages
  • 定價: NT$ 600
    優惠價: NT$ 510

【小提醒】 因本書為學校教材,恕無法提供解答,請同意接受「無附解答」再行訂購。

World Around takes students on an exciting and enriching journey throughout the English-speaking world where they learn about new cultures while gaining a deeper insight into their own one.

World Around is based on multi-cultural communication and understanding and follows the guidelines for culture teaching as detailed in the Common European Framework and European Language Portofolio.

World Around is a flexible and exciting culture course suitable for use at different levels and different types of school.

Real Texts
World Around has a wide range of informative and imaginative real texts that have been specially chosen and devised to appeal to and motivate teenage readers while developing their language skills.

Extracts from literature and contemporary arts introduce students to literature from the English-speaking world and provide further reading and listening practice.

Teachers can introduce Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in subjects such as Maths, Geography, Music, Science and Technology using the twelve dedicated CLIL pages each with a free downloadable MP3 from the World Around website.


作 者: Maria Cleary
出版社: Helbling Languages
出版日: 2008-07-01
ISBN : 9788895225067
書 號: IE000017
書 系: 進口書
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 菊8K (21.x28.5cm)
條 碼: 9788895225067
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 128
版 權: Helbling Languages
