Jupiter and His Mighty Company 朱比特與眾神
The Titans and the Golden Age 泰坦神族和黃金時代
The Story of Prometheus 普羅米修斯的故事
How Fire Was Given to Men人類開始用火的經過
The First Woman: Pandora 第一個女人:潘朵拉
Pandora's Box 潘朵拉的盒子
How Prometheus Was Punished 普羅米修斯的受罰
How Prometheus Was Rescued 普羅米修斯的獲救
The Flood and the Creation of Humans 大洪水和人類的創造
The Flood: Destroying All Humans 毀滅人類的大洪水
The Creation of Human Beings 人類的創造
The Story of Io愛兒的故事
Changing Io Into a White Cow 愛兒變身一頭白母牛
Argus and Peacock 阿古斯和孔雀
Gadfly and Bosphorus 牛虻和博斯普魯斯
Meeting Prometheus 遇見普羅米修斯
Coming to Egypt 來到埃及
The Wonderful Weaver神乎其技的織布女
Arachne: The Boastfull Weaver 奧拉克妮:自誇的織布女
The Contest in Weaving 織布比賽和蜘蛛
Apollo: The Lord of the Silver Bow銀弓之王阿波羅
Leto's Escape and Dolphin 蕾托的逃亡和海豚
The Birth of Apollo and Diana 阿波羅和黛安娜的誕生
The Center of The World: Parnassus 世界的中心:帕納索斯山
The Serpent Python and the City of Delphi 派森巨蛇和德爾菲城
Apollo Chasing Daphne and Laurel 阿波羅對達芙妮的追求和月桂樹
Coronis and Crow 可羅妮斯和烏鴉
Grieving for the Dead Son Aesculapius 喪子之慟和醫神
Cadmus and Europa卡德摩斯與歐羅芭
Europa and the White Bull 歐羅芭和白色公牛
Searching for Europa 尋找歐羅芭
Pythia, the Priestess of Apollo at Delphi 阿波羅的女祭司皮希雅
The City Location and the Fierce Dragon 城市地點和惡龍
Sowing Dragon’s Teeth and the City of Thebes 種植惡龍牙齒和底比斯城
Alphabet and Europe 字母系統和歐洲
The Story of Perseus 柏修斯的故事
Danae and the Golden Shower 黛妮和黃金雨
The Wooden Chest and Exile木箱和流放
The Quest of Medusa’s Head 尋找梅杜莎的頭
Mercury's Winged Slippers 墨丘利的神奇涼鞋
The Gray Sisters: With One Eye and One Tooth單眼獨牙的格雷三姊妹
The Western Maidens and the Tree of Golden Apples 西方三少女和金蘋果樹
The Dreadful Gorgons可怕的蛇髮三女妖
Andromeda and The Sea Beast 安德柔美妲和海怪
Medusa’s Head and Turning Into Stone 看到梅杜莎的頭,變成石頭
The Death of Grandfather 誤殺祖父
The Origins of Athens 雅典城的由來
King of Athens: Cecrops 雅典的國王凱克羅普斯
Athena Named Her City: Athens 雅典娜為雅典城命名
The Adventures of Theseus (I)鐵修斯的歷險記 (I)
Unstable Athens政局不安的雅典城
Theseus Lifting the Stone 鐵修斯舉起重石
The Robber Giant: Club-Carrier 鐵棒巨人
Pine-Bender: Sinis 彎松巨人西尼斯
Perigune and Asparagus 派瑞金和蘆筍
Vile Sciron 被大海與大地唾棄的斯克戎
Wrestler of Wrong-Doer愛摔角的壞國王
The Stretcher: Procrustes 鐵床拉人魔
Returning Home 歸鄉
The Wicked Witch: Medea 邪惡女巫梅黛亞
The Wonderful Artisan神奇的工匠
Perdix and Partridge佩狄克斯和鷓鴣
The King of Crete: Minos 克里特國王:米諾斯
Minotaur and Labyrinth 米諾陶和迷宮
Daedalus Wings 人類的雙翅
The Fall of Icarus and Icarian Sea 伊卡洛斯的墜海和伊卡里亞海
The Adventures of Theseus (II) 鐵修斯的歷險記 (II)
The Cruel Tribute殘忍的貢品
Bound for Crete 前往克里特島
The Princess: Ariadne亞莉阿德妮公主
The Labyrinth and the Aegean Sea 迷宮和愛琴海