Finding the Seat 找位子

A Where is my seat?

B Your seat number is 16A. Down this aisle, to your right.

A Thank you.

A Excuse me, but I think you’re sitting in my seat.What’s your seat number?

CIt’s 17A. Oh, I’m sorry. I made a mistake.

A Don’t worry about it.

A 請問我的位子在哪裡?

B 你的位子是16A,這邊的走道直走,在你右手邊的地方。

A 謝謝。

A 不好意思,你坐的這個位子好像是我的。請問你的位子是幾號?


A 沒事的。


Having Lunch on the Plane 在機上用餐

A What are my choices for lunch?

B We have beef with rice and fish with noodles.Which would you like?

A Fish with noodles, please.

B Would you care for coffee or tea?

A Coffee, please.

A 午餐有什麼可以選?

B 有牛肉飯和鮮魚麵,您要哪一種?

A 我要鮮魚麵。

B 要不要喝點咖啡或茶呢?

A 請給我咖啡。





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