[講堂] 介紹台灣
[講堂] 擬聲語擬態語:忙碌、勤奮
[講堂] 日文Email:貨到通知
...Katharine and the team are meeting to discuss the project's progress.
J: Good morning, everyone! I'm glad to have this chance to sit down with all of you. I think we're all pretty well aware of the project's progress so far, but it's always valuable to update each other face-to-face. My aim today is to get an informal status report from each of you, to hear about any proble ...
Katharine and the team are meeting to discuss the project's progress.
J: Let's talk about how we're going to approach this testing cycle. We've been overnighting the results back to this office for analysis. Is this the way we want to continue?
K: Why don't we do the analy ...
[講堂] 請談談你尊敬的人
[講堂] 慣用句:一山還有一山高
[講堂] 擬聲語擬態語:忙碌、勤奮
...Katharine's new computer is running slowly. 凱薩琳的新電腦速度很慢。
K: Barbara, my computer is really slow to start up. There must be something I can do to get it cleaned up.
B: I bet there are a lot of unnecessary programs on that computer. You could uninstall some of them. Use the add/remove programs option.
我猜是電腦裡有很多用不到的程式。妳可以用「新 ...
Jacob wants Katharine to help him send some materials to other people in the company.
J: Katharine, I need to send the proposed book design to headquarters. Can you make ten color copies of the front and back cover designs and overnight them to Stan at headquarters?
凱薩琳,我要把書籍設計的提案寄到總公司。可不可以請妳把封面與封底各影印十份,再寄隔日件給總公司的斯 ...
[講堂] 打招呼
[講堂] 好玩的遊樂設施
[講堂] 邀約與招待
...Katharine is going to print some documents.
K: Hi, Barbara. A quick question: I'm about to print a really long document. Should I just use the default printer, or is there another machine I should use for long stuff?
B: How long is it?
K: 65 pages.
65 頁。
B ...
Jacob is discussing the company IM program and policy with Katharine.
J: Katharine, are you using the office IM program?
K: No, I haven't been. Actually, I thought that most offices frowned on using IM.
J: Oh, no, we find it really useful, especially for pe ...