
★  Payment sources that can be added to your payment app (可以在付款App中綁定的付款來源)



★  Three major forms of payment (三種主要的付款形式)

1. Hold your phone near the contactless reader (將手機拿近非接觸式讀取器)

‧This form of payment relies on NFC (Near Field Communication) technology.


‧Internet connections aren’t required. (不需要網路連結。)

2. Display the QR code or barcode on your phone and have it scanned (出示手機上的QR 碼或條碼,並給商家掃描)

‧You need an Internet connection to pay. (需要網路連結才能付款。)

3. Scan the QR code provided by the business with your phone (用手機掃描商家提供的QR碼)

‧You need an Internet connection to pay. (需要網路連結才能付款。)

‧You need to key in the amount you wish to pay. (需要輸入欲付款的金額。)


★  Useful Expressions

A:Do you accept credit cards?/ Do you take American Express?

B:Yes. We accept all types of credit cards./ No. We only accept cash here.




A:What forms of payment do you accept?

B:We accept payment by cash, credit card, and several digital wallet services.




A:I’ll pay with my phone. Do you accept Apple Pay?

B:Yes, we accept all major digital wallet services.

A:我要用手機付錢,你們可以用Apple Pay 嗎?




※ 本文節錄自《Enjoy Your Trip! 專業觀光英語【三版】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)



[講堂] 各式包款

[講堂] 用手機叫計程車

[講堂] 遺失東西
