The Wind in the Willows(25K原著刪節彩圖英文版+1MP3)

作 者: Kenneth Grahame
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2009-04-16
ISBN : 9789861845319
書 號: C40162501
書 系: Classic Reader
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.
  • 定價: NT$ 200
    優惠價: NT$ 180

The Wind in the Willows is a classic of children literature by British writer Kenneth Grahame (1859-1932), first published in 1908. The novel is notable for its mixture of adventure, morality, and camaraderie.
The four main characters in the novel, Mole, Rat, Badger, and Toad, are talking animals who live in and around a river. Though they all have their faults, these characters are idealized in many ways. There are numerous examples of hospitality, forgiveness, compassion, generosity, and humility. And Toad remains one of the most celebrated and beloved characters of the book.

1. The River Bank 河上的生活
2. The Open Road 路上的奇遇
3. The Wild Wood 野樹林裡的歷險
4. Mr. Badger 獾老這號人物
5. Mr. Toad 蛤蟆這位老兄
6. Toad's Adventures 蛤蟆越獄記
7. The Further Adventures of Toad 蛤蟆亡命天涯
8. "Like Summer Tempests Came His Tears" 蛤蟆泣淚成珠
9. The Return of Ulysses 浪子回頭金不換


Kenneth Grahame

Kenneth Grahame(肯尼斯‧格雷厄姆)出生於愛丁堡,從小在鄉間長大,熱愛大自然,因此對大自然的描寫極其流暢、豐富且多彩多姿。於1908年出版的《柳林風聲》不但被視為兒童文學系列之一,對孩童和成人也是一本很好的讀物。

作 者: Kenneth Grahame
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2009-04-16
ISBN : 9789861845319
書 號: C40162501
書 系: Classic Reader
裝 訂: 平裝
尺 寸: 25K (14.8*21cm)
條 碼: 9789861845319
印 刷: 四色
頁 數: 112
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.
