Peter Pan(25K原著刪節彩圖英文版+1MP3)

作 者: J. M. Barrie
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2008-12-05
ISBN : 9789861844381
書 號: C40022501
書 系: Classic Reader
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.
  • 定價: NT$ 200
    優惠價: NT$ 180

The window of the nursery blew open, and a boy dropped on the floor.

"What is your name?"
"Peter Pan."

Wendy was sure that he must be Peter Pan. And with Peter's imperious order, Wendy soared out at once into the night, followed by her two brothers John and Michael...

Peter Pan, J. M. Barrie's most classic work, is one of the most celebrated children's books of all time. Since its first publication in 1911, there have been numerous editions of the book.

Reading Peter Pan is like a unique journey for readers to explore this fabulous story and to experience the island of Neverland-a dream place that is familiar to all of us.

※改編電影:《彼得潘(Peter Pan)》(2003),Jeremy Sumpter主演

1 Peter Breaks Through 彼得.潘登場
2 The Shadow 影子
3 Come Away, Come Away! 走吧!走吧!
4 The Flight 飛行
5 The Island Come True 夢幻島夢境成真
6 The Little House 溫蒂的小屋
7 The Home Under the Ground 地底的家園
8 The Happy Home 快樂家庭
9 Wendy's Story 溫蒂的故事
10 The Children Are Carried Off 孩子們被抓走了
11 Do You Believe in Fairies? 你相信仙子嗎?
12 The Pirate Ship 海盜船
13 "Hook or Me This Time" 和虎克拼個你死我活
14 The Return Home 踏上歸途
15 When Wendy Grew Up 溫蒂長大了


J. M. Barrie

J. M. BARRIE(1860-1937), a Scottish novelist and dramatist. He created Peter Pan, the boy who refused to grow up. Peter Pan became Barrie’s most classic work, and is one of the most celebrated children’s books of all time. 英國小說家、劇作家。生於英國東部蘇格蘭農村一個織布工人之家,從小就熱愛讀書和寫作。1882年,於愛丁堡大學畢業後在諾丁從事新聞工作。1885年移居倫敦,擔任自由投稿的新聞記者,並開始創作小說和劇本,反映蘇格蘭人的生活。 巴里擅長以幽默溫情的筆調,來描述蘇格蘭農村的風土人情。一生寫了許多童話故事和童話劇,1904年,他創作了讓他揚名立萬的作品《彼得.潘》(Peter Pan: The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up),這部作品在倫敦公演後引起極大轟動。1911年他將這部劇作改寫爲小說,後來被譯為多種語言廣傳世界。 除了《彼得.潘》,巴里還爲孩子們寫了其他的童話故事和童話劇,例如《孤島歷險記》(The Admirable Crichton, 1902)、《小白鳥》(The Little White Bird, 1902)等等。

作 者: J. M. Barrie
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2008-12-05
ISBN : 9789861844381
書 號: C40022501
書 系: Classic Reader
裝 訂: 平裝
尺 寸: 25K (14.8*21cm)
條 碼: 9789861844381
印 刷: 四色
頁 數: 144
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.
