English for Key Business Skills: Networking, Presentations, Meetings, and Negotiations (菊8K+1MP3)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Barry Tomalin
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2020-05-29
ISBN : 9789863189145
書 號: C1953-0811
書 系: 商用英語
  • 定價: NT$ 580
    優惠價: NT$ 522


English for Key Business Skills專為商用英文課程學生與商業人士打造,涵蓋四大商業主題:社交(Networking)、簡報(Presentations)、會議(Meetings)與協商(Negotiations),每一主題以3個單元詳述,共12單元。教學循序漸進,讓你從初次見面便贏得人心,並學會進行精彩簡報、召開並參與會議,最後在談判桌上奪得勝利!


單元重點直接以點條列,並輔以表格整理,切入要點不拖泥帶水,並附縮寫等口訣,讓內容更好記。如:聆聽四大要點F.A.C.E (Focus, Acknowledge, Clarify, Empathize),簡報三大結構Three Ss (Signpost, Signal, Summarize) 與協商五大階段(Prepare、Explore、Propose、Bargain、Agree)等,重點整理清晰明瞭。




由專業母語人士以標準發音朗誦對話及主題語句,刺激讀者聽力吸收,並可藉由反覆複誦練習,轉化為道地的口說。全書最後附上所有情境對話與範例對話(model conversation)的腳本,可供練習參考。

English for Key Business Skills provides a variety of international communication techniques for four different business contexts: networking, presentations, meetings, and negotiations. With explicit instructions, abundant quizzes, and effective conversation practice, the book is an ideal resource for international businesspeople to express themselves accurately and clearly as they progress through its 12 units. Learners will not only feel confident talking to new colleagues, conquer their fear of presenting in English, and learn how to run and participate in meetings; they will also come to understand and appreciate the different stages of negotiating.

Additional features include MP3 audios featuring native speakers that demonstrate correct pronunciation, audio scripts to help listeners understand and review the material, and a business file section that expands learners’ knowledge through relevant self-assessment and writing exercises.

Each unit includes:
Quiz that raises awareness of the topic and introduces the necessary communication skills.
Listening section that shows how communication skills can be used in a conversation, presentation, meeting or negotiation.
Business practice that presents the key language and provides speaking and vocabulary practice based on the communication skills involved.
Business culture that explores different communication skills in international situations.
Business writing that provides writing tasks associated with the unit topic.
Key takeaways section that helps record what the reader has learned and how to use it in the future.



English for Key Business Skills will help you communicate successfully either internationally company-to-company or within a multinational company.
You can use English for Key Business Skills as a resource for business communication or business English courses

English for Key Business Skills focuses on four key communication skills areas:
• Networking
• Presentations
• Meetings
• Negotiations

English for Key Business Skills comprises a book and audio. The book has 12 units. At the back of the book there is:
• the Business file — additional reference material
• the Audio scripts for the audio recordings


Unit structure

Each of the 12 units of English for Key Business Skills is divided into two parts.

Part A contains these sections:
• Aims — This sets out the objectives for both Parts A and B of the unit.
• Quiz — This raises self-awareness about the topic and introduces the communication skills focus for both Parts A and B of the unit.
• Briefing — This presents the communication skills for Part A.
• Listening — This gives you the opportunity to listen to a conversation, presentation, meeting or negotiation that shows you how to use the communication skills you have read about in the Briefing.
• Business practice — This presents the key language and provides speaking and vocabulary practice based on the communication skills.
• Business culture — This provides information on how the communication skills you have learned may differ in different international situations.

Part B contains these sections:
• Briefing — This presents the communication skills focus for Part B.
• Listening — This gives you the opportunity to listen to a conversation, presentation, meeting or negotiation that shows you how to use the communication skills you have read about in the Briefing.
• Business practice — This presents the key language and provides speaking and vocabulary practice based on the communication skills.
• Business writing — This provides presentation and practice of writing tasks associated with the unit topic.
• Key takeaways — This is a reflective section to help you record what you have learned and how you will use it in future.
• Business file — This section at the back of the book provides you with additional reference material for the Business culture and Business writing parts in some of the units.

'Business Plus' approach
This book uses the 'Business Plus' approach that teaches you international business skills AND provides you with the language you need. An important part of this approach is the teaching and practice of the set phrases which international managers use all the time in international communication. The Business practice sections in the book contain these phrases together with audio support so that you can listen and repeat and become fluent at using these phrases.

Powered by COBUILD
Words or phrases in Key Business Skills that were felt too advanced for intermediate (B1) learners have been glossed using the definitions from the Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.

Study tips
• Each unit takes about two hours — one hour per part. Take regular breaks and do not try to study for too long. Thirty minutes is a sensible study period.
• Regular study is better than occasional intensive study.
• Read the unit through first to get an overview without doing any exercises. This will help you see what you want to focus on.
• Put the audio tracks on your mobile phone so you can listen to the conversations as many times as you need to and do the activities on your way to work or when you are out and about.
• Try to find someone with whom you can practice your English, either face-to-face, over the phone or online using a webcam.
• Make sure you complete the Key takeaways section and refer to it regularly. It will remind you of what you have found useful, and how and when you intend to apply it.

《English for Key Business Skills》 (ISBN:9789863189145(書籍音檔track 67)



Unit 1 Introductions
• How to introduce yourself
• How to describe your current project

Unit 2 Listening
• Active listening—the key to networking
• Using F.A.C.E.

Unit 3 Small Talk
• How to start a conversation
• How to avoid causing offence


Unit 4 Presentation Organization
• How to structure your presentation
• How to deal with questions and interruptions

Unit 5 Preparation and Delivery
• How to prepare
• Joint presentations

Unit 6 Presentation Style
• Presentation delivery techniques
• Voice and visuals


Unit 7 Running a Successful Meeting
• Setting the agenda
• Taking the minutes and keeping control

Unit 8 Participating in Meetings
• Making your point in meetings
• Giving your opinion

Unit 9 Conference Calls
• Taking part in telephone conference calls
• Taking part in video-conference calls


Unit 10 International Negotiations
• Presenting your organization at the beginning of a negotiation
• The five stages of a negotiation

Unit 11 Negotiation Styles
• Preparing and exploring
• Proposing and bargaining

Unit 12 Closing the Negotiation
• Reaching an agreement
• Dealing with last-minute problems

Business File
Audio Scripts


Barry Tomalin

倫敦國際語言學校(International House London)文化訓練董事長;倫敦大學政治經濟學院(The London School of Economics and Political Science,LSE)全球化與文化意識(Globalisation and Cultural Awareness)客座教授。曾任英國廣播公司國際頻道(BBC World Service)BBC英語部門製作人與主持人,擁有跨50國以上的工作經歷,專為公司與跨國企業設計課程與授課。

Barry Tomalin is Director of Cultural Training at International House in London and Visiting Lecturer in Globalisation and Cultural Awareness at The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). He is also a former producer and presenter in the BBC English department of the BBC World Service. Barry has worked in over 50 countries worldwide, designing and delivering training programs for business and international organizations.

作 者: Barry Tomalin
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2020-05-29
ISBN : 9789863189145
書 號: C1953-0811
書 系: 商用英語
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 菊8K (21*27.7cm)
條 碼: 9789863189145
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 144
